Défi-Évasion Chez Soi - Audio

by Défi-Évasion Chez Soi



"Défi-Évasion Chez Soi - Audio" is a free "companion app".The Chez Soi - Audio Challenge-Escape application acts as voice recognition at specific times in the game, allowing you to advance or better understand the stage to be completed. You can therefore speak to the application and you will get an audio response. Following the purchase of certain Défi-Évasion Chez Soi games which are clearly mentioned requiring the Défi-Évasion Chez Soi - Audio application, you will be able to use this FREE application to add to the experience and the completion of your game. To buy a Défi-Évasion Chez Soi game, we invite you to go directly to https://defi-evasion.com/defi-evasion-chez-soi/.